Protecting Ohio's Employees
Tel: 216-464-3004
Frequently Asked Questions
01 Why are Workers' Rights Under Attack in Ohio?
Ohio has a powerful business lobby. It tries to repeal or restrict workers rights, limit remedies and restrict access to court. Ohio's business lobby seems to see laws that are good for workers as bad for business. Ohio's business lobby routinely seeks sponsors for legislation that eliminate or scale back hard fought worker protections.
02 What can We Do?
Call your Ohio House Representative and Senator to oppose laws restricting workers' rights and to support those expanding worker protections. It is easy and reassuringly effective. Elected officials pay attention to what voters are asking them to do.
03 How does POE Help?
We have boots on the ground in Columbus walking the Statehouse halls. We review and analyze legislation affecting workers' rights, testify before Committees considering legislation and mobilize support or opposition when necessary.
04 How can I Support POE?
Contact any Board Member to volunteer or stay informed, and contribute to POE to support the dedicated individuals monitoring legislation.